Members Roundtable Exchange: 25 April 2023

Report from the 25.4.23 Members Roundtable Exchange

1. Pink Paper 2021

Data and information on women’s inequality highlighted during the pandemic and exacerbated by the cost of living crisis (Siobhan Harper-Nunes, CE, Shakti Women)

2. Health inequalities in Birmingham

Community health profile data and African and Caribbean experience of inequalities (Joseph Merriman, Programme Senior Officer, BCC Public Health Division)

3. Adam Wilkins is also regional co-ordinator for Cranfield Trust that provides pro bono support for VCSE organisations -

If members have organisations that have been unsuccesful applications and need organisational development support, please do refer them to the Trust.

 4. Dirk Rohwedder, School of Social Entreprenuers mentioned in the chat that SSE has just completed a collaborative, transnational women focussed business start up and development programme that supports the experience of women’s inequality in business and work. More info here -  SSE are also running a women focusssed leadership programme in Somerset:


Racial Equity Audit Tool Workshop - 17th May 2023


Faith and Faith based Organisations, Equality and Social Action