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WM ONS Data Insights: Implications for Funding and Service delivery

  • Investec Birmingham 20 Colmore Circus Queensway Birmingham, England, B4 6AT United Kingdom (map)

The latest ONS data (2021) provides public policymakers with further evidence of demographic and household changes in the UK. The Office for National Statistics has been releasing various data sets over the last 12 months that will help to inform further policy priorities on a range of social issues at both national, regional, sub-regional and local levels. Many local authorities and public health have been analysing the data to understand the socio-economic changes at both place and community interest levels.

West Midlands Combined Authority will provide an overview of the key socio economic changes by both communities of interest and place in the WMCA region. Birmingham City Council will share from its Research Observatory an insight on the latest ONS data on socio-economic changes and will particularly focus on how income inequality and poverty levels; health inequalities and social mobility for children and young people has been changing in the City and its implications for service provision.

Members are invited to attend the seminar to find out how this might impact on funding priorities in the region and Birmingham.

To book: Eventbrite

9 November

WM Charity Forum

22 November

Annual General Meeting and Members Discussion