2024 Annual Conference: Participatory Principles in Funding Approaches
On Wednesday 26th June we held our second in-person annual conference since the pandemic years. The conference focused on a growing trend by funders both globally and nationally of participatory funding approaches. The changing political and social climate, where communities want institutions to be more open, fair, and collaborative has impacted on funders looking at how they enable people affected by the issues funders want to support to be more involved and have a real say. However, grant givers have limited funds, so how can participatory grant making approaches ensure that limited funds reach those that need it the most, especially when inequality and poverty has been on the rise.
In conjunction with other stakeholders ( VCSE and public bodies), funders explored examples of different participatory grant making approaches that involved communities and those with lived experience deciding who gets what, challenging traditional power structures and funding systems. Through stories and experiences from funders and the communities they work with, the conference looked to explore how to decide if this approach is right for you, the upsides, the hurdles, and the different ways it can be delivered.
A report of the conference will be available shortly.
West Midlands Funders Network Annual Conference 2024 was kindly supported by Charity Bank, Rathbones, Heart of England Community Foundation and The Limoges Trust.