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Workshop: AI and Funding

  • Rathbones Investment Management 20 Colmore Circus Queensway Birmingham, England, B4 6AT United Kingdom (map)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing and complex field with lots of uncertainty about its application and use. In the field of grant funders and funding there is growing interest in the use of AI particularly with the development of a profusion of different AI tools available that can be purchased or are ‘free’. There is no shared or clear definition of AI. It is hard to grasp at the moment what the full ramifications are of AI long term, but certainly over the next decade is likely to change the Third Sector and has implications for grant funders and funding. Adapta Consulting has been invited to present and facilitate a workshop discussion for funders to explore their experience to date and current thinking on policy and practice approaches to AI in funding. To find out more email:

22 October

Members Roundtable Exchange

20 November

WMFN Annual General Meeting and Discussion